The Antelope Valley              

The Antelope Valley Freeway (Fwy 14) runs north and south

connecting the city of Los Angeles to the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster.



                How to Locate the Streets and Avenues

Locating a parcel of land on the map is usually pretty easy.

Running through the center of the valley, Division St. divides      the Eastside and the Westside.

A Section of land is a 1 mile square. 

The Streets, 10th, 20th, 30th, etc., are section lines, 1 mile apart.
The Avenues
A, B, C, D, etc., are also section lines, 1 mile apart.

For example...

10th Street East is 1 mile east of Division St.
90th Street East is 9 miles east of Division St.
120th Street West is 12 miles west of Division St.
50th Street East is 10 miles from 50th Street West

The Avenues begin up at the County line--which is Ave A.

One mile south of Ave A is Ave B., and so on.


    California needs as many as 250,000 new homes a  year  to keep pace with population.  The state could only build  about 140,000 new homes last year.   ---- California Building Industry Association  

California Aqueduct and nearby homes in Palmdale.

Please contact us at: 

               Tel:  (323)653-8428   Fax:  (323)653-7181



     Every parcel in our inventory has its own PLAT MAP showing

       in detail its location, shape and surrounding properties.


Los Angeles’


Economically, amazing things have happened within 60 miles of L.A. City Hall.

Nearly half the economy of California is concentrated within this area--though it contains only 5% of the total land.

Texas and New York State are the only states with populations more than the 18 million who live in the 60-mile radius.

Each year, more than one-half of California’s growth occurs within the area.

It has a greater GDP than every nation, but nine:  U.S., Japan, Germany, China, India, U.K., France, Italy and Canada.

It has 67% of California’s total international trade, and is headquarters for 58 of the 100 largest industrial companies in the state.


Overlooking the Antelope Valley's Westside.